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Adela Morris
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Member of the ICF Board of Directors, Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection             

Adela has been involved in human remains detection with her dogs since 1986 and has deployed her dogs on hundreds of searches specializing on cold cases, crime scenes and historic burials. She has certified ten dogs for human remains detection. Since 2017, she has also worked with the Alta Heritage Foundation’s Cremated Remains Recovery Team, helping locate previously cremated remains for victims of wildfires whose homes have been destroyed.


She is the founder of the Institute for Canine Forensics, a nonprofit organization for the advancement of research and education for the use of canines. Adela is also the founder of the Canine Specialized Search Team, a volunteer resource for Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office. She has served as an expert witness. 


Historic Human Remains Detection Publications

  • “Locating the Grave of John Snyder”, Overland Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, Fall 2012.

  • “Assessing Canine Forensic Results with Archaeological Excavations at Protohistoric Síi Túupentak (CA-ALA-565/H) in the San Francisco Bay Area”, Society for California Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2019.

  • “Applying Canine Detection in Support of Collaborative Archaeology”, 2021, Advances in Archaeological Practice, 9(3), 226-237, doi:10.1017/aap.2021.12


Canine: Zia 

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: April 26, 2021

Breed: Border Collie, Red & White       

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023


Canine: Asher

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: December 12, 2022

Breed: Border Collie, Black & White

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023

Alyson Hart
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist  


Alyson has been involved in Search and Rescue since 2000 and has certified and successfully deployed two dogs, Osa and Gig, through the California Rescue Dog Association. Alyson has served as a member of the California Rescue Dog Association Board of Directors, Training Group Leader and trailing dog evaluator. Alyson has also been a member of the Alameda County Search and Rescue K9 Team since 2002. 


Canine: Bryn

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: November 20, 2020

Breed: English Shepherd

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023

Colette Falco
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist​


Colette has been a Search and Rescue K9 handler and trainer since 2005. She has trained, certified and deployed with five K9 partners. She is currently working two certified, single-purpose Human Remains Detection K9s and has one in training. Colette has been trained, vetted and is deployed by the FBI Laboratory Divisions, Evidence Response Team Unit. Based in Fountian Hills, Arizona, she also works directly with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) and Tempe Police Department’s Homicide Unit.


Colette is a long-standing board member of and search manager for Maricopa K9 Search and Rescue, Inc. (MarK9) and the MCSO Maricopa K9 Posse. She has been a lead evaluator since 2008; initially for the Arizona Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Coordinators Search Dog Standards and now for National Association For Search And Rescue (NASAR) Human Remains Detection (HRD) K9 certifications. Colette presents about HRD canines at conferences and classes such as the Arizona Homicide Investigators Association and the Surface Skeleton and Buried Body Recovery Course. She has organized and been an assistant instructor for multiple K9 seminars. Colette is educated in incident command systems and applied search management, land navigation, GPS, radio communications, helicopter safety and she maintains her NASAR SARTECH II, Wilderness First Aid, CPR & AED certifications.


Canine: Kaze

Historic Human Remains Detection

DOB: 10/29/2019

Breed: Belgian Malinois

Certification: National Association for Search and Rescue Canine SARTECH HRD Land – Type III. Re-certified every year since initial certification in 2021.

Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2024

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Karen Atkinson
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection 


Karen has been a certified search and rescue K9 handler with California Rescue Dog Assn. (CARDA) since 2009 and a Human Remains Detection K9 handler since 2013. She serves as a primary evaluator for HRD and HHRD K9 teams for CARDA and the Institute for Canine Forensics. Karen was a member of the Marin County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Unit for 10 years, retiring in 2018. She served as K9 manager for that unit from 2012 through 2016.  In 2018 she joined the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office Canine Specialized Search Team (CSST). She was part of a special FBI HRD team from 2020 through 2022 that handled cases on the West coast. Since 2019, Karen has been working with the Alta Heritage Foundation helping families who have lost their home to fire locating the lost memorial cremains of loved ones.   


Canine: Echo

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: April 14, 2016

Breed: British Labrador, Yellow


Historic Human Remains Detection – retired in 2023

Human Remains Detection Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Canine Specialized Search Team from 2018 through 2021


Canine: Quincy

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: July 5, 2021

Breed: British Labrador, Black

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2022

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Lisa Lee
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist
Field Coordinator
Project Manager


Lisa has been working with detection canines for almost 30 years as an active member of several county and state teams. Her initial specialty was as a wilderness and urban (Type 1) trailing handler.  She was a charter member of Canine Specialized Search Team (CSST) and served as a duty officer for an international search and rescue organization.


Her involvement with ICF began in 2016. She initially served as a Project Manager, Field Coordinator and Support. More recently, she and her dog work projects for ICF and Alta Heritage Foundation as a novice team gaining field experience.


Her current K9 partner, Saoirse, is her 4th detection dog.


Lisa leverages organizational skills honed via 35+ years of professional project and program management and applies them to ICF operations and projects.


Canine: Saoirse

Historic Human Remains Detection, Novice

DOB: October 15, 2023

Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever


Sheila Malavasi
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist



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Dana Timbrook
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Treasurer   


Dana was in search and rescue from 2013 to 2019 and worked as a certified search and rescue canine handler with his dog Hanna from 2015 to 2017. Dana was a member of the California Rescue Dog Association from 2013 to 2019, and was a member of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team.  Dana was certified with his dog Sophie for Historical Human Remains Detection with the Institute for Canine Forensics from 2019 through 2022.

He has search experience as a ground team member, area canine handler, and as a search manager specializing in planning and operations. Dana was also a member of the Canine Specialized Search Team, a resource to the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office.

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Aurora Bibb, DVM
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist


Aurora has been in search and rescue since 2010 and is currently working as a certified search and recovery handler with her dog, Roo.  Aurora has been a member of the California Rescue Dog Association since 2010, and a member of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team since 2012. She is an associate with Canine Specialized Search Team (CSST), an associate for Institute for Canine Forensics, and a resource to the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office since 2018. She has experience with searches as a certified area dog handler with canine Kodiak and as a ground team member. In addition, Aurora is certified with her dog Roo in human remains detection, as well as historic human remains detection.   


She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1988 and has been in small animal practice ever since. She also supports the canines during searches as veterinarian on duty and the team veterinarian for ICF and CSST.


Canine: Roo

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified 

DOB: August 8, 2017

Breed: Labrador Retriever, Yellow


Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2020

Canine Specialized Search Team; initial certification in 2021


Canine: Gator

Historic Human Remains Detection, Novice

DOB: January 23rd, 2024

Breed: Belgian Malinois


In training

Joseph Kral
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist  


Joseph has been active in Search and Rescue since 1997 and in Human Remains Detection since 1998 and was a director of CSST (Canine Specialized Search Team) at its inception. Joseph was involved with early Historic Human Remains searches in 2000 and is test evaluator for CSST and ICF. Joseph is now working his third search dog and is focusing strictly on Historic Human Remains Detection.


Joseph has acquired many skills through involvement with Search and Rescue and other Emergency Services including Emergency Medical Responder, Wilderness Navigation, SAR tech II certification, Hazardous Materials Awareness, crime scene operations, and is a radio communications specialist. Joseph has served as communications committee chair for a statewide search and rescue organization for more than 20 years. Joseph also has training in search management and is a Community Emergency Response Team member and trainer. Joseph is a licensed Private Investigator in California.


Canine: Clíodhna

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: November 14, 2020

Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2022

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Kris Black
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist
Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection


Kris Black has been involved with the Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff's Search and Rescue and Canine Specialized Search Team for the past 20 years. She has contributed to many local searches and mutual aid requests with her canines Klaus (deceased), Osara (deceased), Diesel (deceased), and Annie through the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Law Enforcement Branch. She is presently the assistant director for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Search and Rescue team and the law enforcement liaison to the sheriff’s office for the Canine Specialized Search Team (CSST). Additionally, she and her canine partner, Annie, work on archeological projects with the Institute for Canine Forensics (ICF), utilizing specialized canines to detect historic and prehistoric burials. She is currently training Allie. Her future Historical Human Remains canine.


Professional Affiliations


Canine: Annie

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: October 11, 2016 

Breed: Belgian Malinois


Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial accreditation in 2017

Human Remains Detection; certified to California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Type 1; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2017


Canine: Allie

Historic Human Remains Detection, In training

DOB: January 23rd, 2024

Breed: Belgian Malinois

Lori Blackburn
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Field Coordinator, Search and Rescue K9 Handler, Search and Rescue Manager, Cartographer


Lori has been a member of Crook County Sheriff's Search and Rescue for 12 years having worked 3 K9's during this time period. She is currently a Search Manager with Crook County Oregon and a K9 handler with K9 Cagney, a German Shepherd. Lori is a retired Silviculturist with the Forest Service having worked 31 years for the agency in Oregon and Washington. During her career, she has been a District Silviculturist as well as District Resource Specialist, Forest Silviculturist and Manager of Dorena Genetics Resource Center. Lori is proficient in mapping, field vegetation surveys and analysis.


Canine: Cagney

Human Remains Detection, Certified

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: 7/16/2018

Breed: German Shepheard

Certification: North American Police Work Dog Association, Cadaver Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2021.

County and National Search Dog Alliance, Cadaver Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2019

Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023


Peg Thompson
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection, Cattle Rancher

Peg started in Search and Rescue in 2005. She now specializes in human remains detection, working with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team, Canine Specialized Search Team and California Rescue Dog Association. She has certified 3 dogs. Her first dog, Sage, in area and human remains detection; her second dog, Kato, specialized in human remains detection, as does her current dog, Cedar. She has worked on mutual aid requests throughout California through the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Law Enforcement Branch. She serves as a test evaluator for the Institute for Canine Forensics, CSST and CARDA.


Professional Affiliations

·       Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue

·       Institute for Canine Forensics

·       California Rescue Dog Association

·       Canine Specialize Search Team (CSST)


Canine: Cedar

Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: July 16, 2018

Breed: German Shepherd 

Certification: Human Remains Detection; certified to California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Type 1 standards; re-certified every year since initial certification on 2/15/2020.


Ronda Bowser

Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist

Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection and Trailing, Specialized in Animal Behavior and Problem Solving.

ICF’s Training Director


With over 33 years of dog training and handling experience, Ronda has certified and deployed numerous dogs in many disciplines. As an expert canine behaviorist, she works with individuals and teams and teaches workshops in human remains detection and trailing. Ronda owns K9 Battalion and the Puppy Hotail and Spa, her boarding and training facility. As ICF’s training director, she is part of a team that is setting up training standards and is responsible for bi-annual workshops for the team.


Ronda has worked with law enforcement and FBI looking for missing persons, crime scenes, and cold cases. She has served as a consultant to law enforcement on the best way to deploy canine resources and as an expert witness. 


Canine: Badger

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: December 23, 2022

Breed: Kelpie x, Black Tri

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023


Canine: Kitana

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: 5/15/18

Breed: Australian Shepherd x Catahoula

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2024

Barbara Pence
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Emeritus


Barbara joined ICF in 2011. She served as a project manager, field coordinator, evaluator and secretary of the board of directors. Her first dog Bailey was certified in 2013 and her second dog, Asha, was certified in 2018. She is now retired enjoying watching ICF grow. We thank her for her years of service and friendship.

John Grebenkemper, Ph.D.
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist 


John joined ICF in 2007 and certified his first dog in less than a year. His second dog, Kayle, was certified from 2011 to 2023. His current dog, Kalli, was born in 2024 and is currently studying for certification.


Before joining ICF, John spent 40 years working in the field of physics and engineering research. He received a PhD from Stanford University, has published more than 30 technical papers, and received 8 U.S. patents.

Historic Human Remains Detection Publications:


  • “Locating the Grave of John Snyder”, Overland Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, Fall 2012.

  • “Forensic Canine Search for the Donner Family Winter Camps at Alder Creek”, Overland Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, Summer 2015.

  • “Starved Camp of the Donner Party”, Overland Journal, Vol 36 No. 2, Summer 2018.

  • “Assessing Canine Forensic Results with Archaeological Excavations at Protohistoric Site Síi Túupentak (CA-ALA-565/H) in the San Francisco Bay Area”, Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 33:239–245, 2019

  • “Applying Canine Detection in Support of Collaborative Archaeology”, 2021, Advances in Archaeological Practice, 9(3), 226-237, doi:10.1017/aap.2021.12

  • “The Lost Axe at the Donner Camp of Death”, Overland Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, Winter 2024.


Canine: Kalli

DOB: March 24, 2024

Breed: Border Collie, Blue & White

Certification: Currently studying to learn the skills of a Historic Human Remains Detection dog.

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Larry Atkinson
Technical Specialist  
Field Support


Larry is an advanced team leader and serves in search management, operations, planning, communications, safety, training, and as a searcher with Marin County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Unit.


Larry’s certifications include:


  • Marin County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue      Division Advanced Team Leader

  • Wilderness Emergency Medical First Responder

  • SARTECH I - National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR)

  • High Angle Rope Rescue Specialist & Instructor

  • Rescue Systems II Advanced Rescue Skills (California State Fire Marshal)

  • Direction and Control of the Search Function (NASAR) Search Management courses

Lynne Engelbert
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist, Evaluator and Instructor: Human Remains Detection, Disaster Search         


Lynne has 30+ years of detection dog training and handling experience and is an associate with the Institute for Canine Forensics.  Lynne and Jazz, her border collie, are certified in Historic Human Remains Detection.


Lynne serves as an evaluator for Human Remains, Historic Human Remains Detection and FEMA disaster search dogs (live-find and HRD).  Lynne and her former search partner Lucy (1991-2006) were a FEMA-certified live-find Canine Search Specialist team and became a CalOES certified Cadaver team in January 1999 with several major finds in their career. They deployed to the Oklahoma City Bombing (Lucy with a former handler) and the World Trade Center after 9/11. She was also a certified Canine Search Specialist with the FEMA and CalOES with her live-find disaster search dog, Sweep (2003-2017). Lynne’s former HHRD dog, Piper, was initially certified in 2012 and retired in 2023. Lynne and Piper worked with the Alta Heritage Foundation’s Cremated Remains Recovery Team, helping locate previously cremated remains for victims of wildfires whose homes have been destroyed.


Lynne is an instructor for Human Remains Detection, disaster search and canine decontamination. She has also worked with local and federal law enforcement agencies in doing maintenance training for narcotics, explosives and arson detection dogs.


Canine: Jazz

Historic Human Remains Detection, Certified

DOB: April 11, 2019

Breed: Border Collie, Black & White

Certification: Historic Human Remains Detection; re-certified every year since initial certification in 2023

Miranda Krebs
Historic Human Remains Detection Specialist

Miranda joined Monterey County Sheriffs Office Search and Rescue Volunteers in 2005. She spent 15 years with the team and during that time certified 2 canines. She was a K9- handler for her first dog Izzy in Wilderness/ Live Find and her second dog Marcy in Human Remains Detection.   She served 10 years on the board and an active member as a first responder, high angle rescuer, swift water rescuer and search management. During that time she certified as a Mountain Rescue Association Member.


Miranda has 20 years experience working closely with law enforcement, supplying mutual aid to neighboring counties and Institute for Canine Forensics (ICF). In 2015 Miranda and Marcy certified in Historical Human Remains Detection and joined ICF.  She is currently training her 3rd dog Addie in Historical Human Remains.


Canine: Addie

Historic Human Remains Detection, Novice

DOB: September 23, 2021

Breed: Border Terrier



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